

Tour de France

Norway/The Arctic Race

Vietnam & Cambodia

Tour Down Under

Peaks Challenge

UCI Road World Championships


Northland New Zealand

Queenstown New Zealand

Ride Holidays Karapiro 100k Flyer

Taupo New Zealand

Wellington, Wairarapa & Kapiti


Morning Karl

A quick note to say a big 'thank you' for the trip. It was one of the best I have been on and from conversations with the other participants that view prevailed. It had it all: good organisation, fabulous itinerary, and great company. These things don't just happen, they are the result of a lot of hard work and good leadership. Also everyone survived with only minor mishaps, which must be a relief to you.

So well done and thanks again. Hopefully you are getting a well deserved break now.

Murray G (Waikanae)

You're right - an absolutely amazing tour. Maryann and I were happy with all the accommodation that you arranged. In fact it was clear to us that you went for quality over cost and we appreciated this. I'm not sure about the dinner after the Gran Fondo... my impression was that people were tired and I certainly was happy with an early night.

Things that really impressed us:

  1. Your team. They obviously love what they do and were professional and responsive to the group. I'm sure that the way Bryan looked after Liz just made the trip for her.
  2. Your flexibility. Not only did you provide heaps of options in terms of rides but you were great to deal with when we made mistakes eg us leaving Whistler a day early and my not following instructions with the insurance.
  3. The way you personally made an effort every day to connect with each of us and offer encouragement. Made a difference.
  4. Quality. This was evident in the standard of accommodation, the quality of the rental bikes, the meals, attention to detail and so on. We felt we got excellent value for the cost.
  5. The golf. I was initially reluctant to take up the golf but it was a great change of pace and excellent value.

Cheers Vic and Maryann

Hi Karl,

Just wanted to say thank you to you & all your team for another fantastic cycling trip. I enjoyed ALL the cycling among day after day of stunning scenery. Imagine what that will look like in the winter! Hard to pick highlights but some of the bits I enjoyed was being able to ride from hotel to hotel (& not having to sit in the van!), being able to combine a good ride with fossicking in the shops & small towns. One of the things I relate to cycling buddies was your cleaning of the bikes after a wet ride, outstanding guys!!!! The Fondo ride was also a definite highlight for me, fortunately I'd seen the scenery before so I could focus on the ride. However it turned out to be easier than anticipated so was pleased with my time.

Can't wait for the next one, provided we're not too old to manage it!!!!

Thanks once again

Hey Karl, 

I hope you arrived back safely. Thank you very much for your stewardship of the Rockies Tour. I had a great time in spectacular surroundings and good company. I didn't really know what to expect, and in all respects I think my experience was better than I might have anticipated. Your organisation of the event both in general terms and at a day-to-day level was truly outstanding. It appeared to go off without a hitch although I bet there were some bumps on the way.

I'm sitting at home (obviously) feeling quite unenthusiastic about getting on the bike to pound along the same old (literally) Auckland roads. I really have been thoroughly spoilt.

Mark (Auckland)

Hi Karl, 

We miss you and yes of course Canada!

What an amazing trip! I still feel overwhelmed by the whole experience, it is going to take some time for everything to sink in. A huge huge thanks from us for everything, for me personally this was a dream come true, a trip of a lifetime which certainly lived up to all its expectations plus more!

Many thanks again. Will be in touch.

Susan and Colin (Team Scotland)


Another memorable Ride Holidays trip - thanks to all the RH team. After France, my trust in them was so high, I didn't bother to read the Italy booklet - each day would be (and was) arranged so I didn't have to think about a thing.

It fascinates me how people from different backgrounds, but a common interest, can get on with each other so well. Every person in our group (including RH staff, riders, non-riders) I both like and respect. Thinking of the various people, I would use adjectives such as friendly, interesting, informative, humorous, unselfish, intelligent, motivating, fun. There are a number of people for which I would be genuinely sad if I thought we would never meet again.

I loved the scenery on all of the rides. Although cold, wasn't the snow spectacular? Passo dello Stelvio would top my list, although the Dolomites looked great too. I really enjoyed the unscheduled day that took us to the dam on Lago di Cancano.

The rest day was needed, plus I really enjoyed the cooking class and dinner that evening. The Ghisallo Cycling Museum was another non-riding event I enjoyed.

Looking forward to my next RH trip now.

Safe travels everyone.

Dear Karl, Dean and Katrina, 

A quick email to thank you all again for making our dreams a reality!

Our trip to Italy was perfect! Your care and attention to detail was superb! Accommodation and meals were fantastic and only second to our daily rides.

Your support staff were perfect. Patrick was caring to all of the riders and genuinely thrilled to be sharing the experience with us all! Jeff, new to the team was also great with a touch of larrikin and fun sense of humour.

We have all made new friends and have new exciting memories which hopefully get us through to our next big ride adventure.

Thanks again! Hoping to join you all again in future! It's a big world and I can't think of a better way to explore it than on a bike!

Hope to see you in SA in January.

Anthony (Adelaide)

Hi Karl / Dean

just a quick email to say how much I enjoyed the Italian trip.

Everything was amazing and being able to ride the mountains seen on TV was out of this world.

Enjoyed every moment of the trip, even when I had great doubts on Giau but Dean got me up it and it was so exhilarating to achieve the climb.

There were so many highlights of the trip I can’t mention them all but I think the Sella Ronda was my favourite day, with Cancano Lakes a close second.

Have already booked for Spain next year and the Canadian Trip looks so good I have decided to book that as well.

Great shout out to all the amazing guides on the tour, Dean, Patrick, Michael, Hendrik, Simone and Luca, they turned an already great holiday into an amazing one.

Hope to catch up with you in Adelaide during TDU.


Northland, New Zealand

Northland NZ Twin Coast bike tours and holidays.

Hi Karl,

Michelle and I had a great holiday and really appreciated the wonderful support you and the RH team provided.

I am especially grateful for the additional support of loan bikes and wheels that you personally lent to me… I could have been stuck in the van for the trip!

So, thanks again for getting me pedalling and allowing me to make the most of the Northland trip.

We did get home safely and this time my bike landed with me…

Best regards,


Hi Karl,

I just wanted to say thanks for the amazing holiday you and your team gave me on your maiden RH Tour of Northland. In my opinion and a few others that I spoke with, it was the best RH trip I've been on for everyone "gelling" well together. You and your guides and mechanics were awesome on ensuring we all had a good time and could rapidly work out an alternative plan when the "things you don't plan for" happened.


Norway / The Arctic Race

Hi Karl,

All but finished our Arctic Tour and waiting to travel back to UK with Dean and Thomas ( we are on same flights to Oslo ).

With out a doubt this has by far been the best Ride Holidays tour I have been on in the last ten years!! 10/10 to Dean who has worked his butt off for everyone in the way only he and you can and do, the local Tromso Tour guys were superb and great fun. The hotels including the camping ground 5 star, loved the place in Bø. Organised meals all fantastic quality, breakfasts huge and the lunch arrangements a highlight really!! Then the riding, superlatives are exhausted, we knew the quality of the scenery from our 2018 trip but to ride it absolutely world beating!! Yes the weather window we had contributed but this place is jaw dropping to ride!!

With a few design tweaks Dean has probably already shared with you, this must surely become a serious second level product as not sure price will be a determining factor against the uniqueness of the product landscape and arrangements.

Well done on persevering with this product. A winner in my books.

Cheers IJP

Peaks Challenge

Hi Karl, 

Hope you are well and had a great weekend. Just wanted to pass on my thanks - to you and the other guides who were in Melbourne with us. They were great. Very helpful, professional and accommodating.

Apart from the hideous of the challenge (it was super hard) I had a great weekend. Met some awesome people, saw a different part of Melbourne and actually did enjoy the race (in a sick sort of way).

Thank you so much and please pass on my thanks to Chris, Dean and the others


Dear Dean, Chris (and Karl)

A very big thank you for an unforgettable trip to Falls Creek. I’ve taken part in a lot of bike events over the years but I think was the hardest one day ride I have ever done, particularly in that brutal heat. The Back of Falls Creek is now on my list of climbs I never ever want to do again.

As always the Ride Holidays organisation was superb and all we had to do was worry about the ride itself.

Dean - thank you for putting my bike together and for the delicious meals, especially the roast chicken and Michelin starred carrots

Dingo - it was so good to see a familiar smiley face at the finish line! Thank you for looking after me when I was a bit spaced out.

Karl - I had originally written off the Peaks Challenge in the “too hard/ridiculously long” category when I first saw it advertised. Thanks for the text in mid October persuading me to sign up when someone else had dropped out. Training for this gave me an obsessive focus all summer!

Hope to see you all on another trip sometime soon

Best wishes

Ride Holidays Karapiro 100K Flyer

Hi Karl,

Great weekend, thanks for making all the arrangements as well as helping to make the event possible. It is amazing how a simple event like this is so inspiring for weekend warriors. Bring on the next one.

It was great to meet a good bunch of Ride Holidays disciples as well as to compare notes on the tours they have been on. Let's hope 2022 enables some new shoots of opportunity for travel, if not we will hang on until 2023 or longer, as long as we have more opportunities like we have had this weekend. Well done Karl, class act as always.

Steve Nichols

Hi Karl

What a great time in Karapiro! Thank you to Ride Holidays for sponsoring the event and sticking with it until it happened! In line with ASO with cycling events in 2020!

Brilliant to have time to catch up with old friends from previous trips and meet new friends who are part of the Ride Holidays Family! As normal RH organisation for the event, Sunday ride, accommodation, dinner, and even George Bennett...what we would expect which is why we keep coming back! A few of us Auckland based team talked about local rides...hey, nothing wrong with a local ride and coffee and promoting your brand around our city from time to time! Thank you again and like you Dean and Dingo, we are all hanging out to get overseas ASAP!


Taupo New Zealand

Dear Karl et al, 

Thanks so much for a fantastic trip. It was such an experience to ride in the beautiful New Zealand countryside and to do it with such a great group of people was an added bonus. This was my first trip with Ride Holidays and it certainly won't be the last! I am really looking forward to Italy next year and have everything crossed to make sure I get leave!

Everything worked like a dream and even the weather behaved itself - at least the mist up into the ski fields meant that we could not see the gradients. I am so glad that we did not have the storm that hit Auckland on Tueasday afternoon and I hope Jonny got back OK in that dreadful weather.

Thanks to all of you for everything, especially to Dean on the Challenge ride for pacing me and you on the last day getting me to the end, Sandy for the wonderful massage and not least Jonny for taking us out on the last morning and the long drive back to the airport. Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and New Year and hopefully catch up with you when you come to Adelaide for the TDU next month.


Hi Karl and Dean, 

Just want to say "Thanks" for a great NZ (Taupo) trip. We were both really impressed with the level of organisation, continual updates during the day and the amount of genuine interest in everyone in the riding group - especially with their individual riding needs. FYI - The 'non riders' could not say enough good comments from the feeling of inclusion they received from your team and their activities - they were so happy. Would love to do another ride with you guys - once and if I ever get fit enough - We would highly recommend Ride Holidays to anyone interested.

Kind Regards,
Graham and Michelle (Sydney)

Hi Karl and Dean, 

Just wanted to send you a quick email thanking you for a fantastic Taupo trip . It shows that you have both put a massive amount of preparation into your tours from all the excellent communication prior and also during the tour by ensuring all the rides and other activities went off without a hitch. Also a big thank you to Johnny, Jo, Frank and Sandy (sorry if I missed some others) for their efforts during the 6 days. They were a fantastic team to have involved in your business. Looking forward to hopefully coming along again next year. Will definitely be booking in for the France and Canada tours in the next few years. Just need to save up a little for these ones.

Veijo (Queensland)

Thanks very much Karl, 

It was a fantastic Taupo tour and kudos to you, Dean and the other staff members for making everything run so smoothly and with such a great atmosphere - Its obvious how much you guys love your jobs and that was certainly felt through the vibe of the tour. I personally was amazed that Jonny lent Andrew his new bike, that was such a generous thing to do and I believe Andrew was understandably stoked! A great holiday, great team and certainly made the booking of Canada tour an easy decision - I have been looking at it for a while but was holding off making the decision in case the Taupo tour didn't go so well ;) PS. I loved the Team App notifications which helped with knowing where-what-when and Dean is a champ!

All the best
Karen (Sydney)

Tour Down Under

Hi Karl, 

Thank you for another wonderful Ride Holidays trip on Tour Down Under. I loved every minute, managed to chalk up nearly 700 kms and rode some beautiful routes. The loop was great, riding from hotel to hotel was really satisfying. All of the places we stayed at were of a high standard and the food on the trip was superb!

What a great group of guides, they seemed to really enjoy sharing their favourite roads and cafes, and were great to chat with on and off the bike. I was really impressed at how they, and Davis in particular, could also take care of the mechanical issues a few people experienced and I enjoyed the banter.

It was great to get so close to the race and meeting people like George Bennett, Jens Voigt and Phil Ligget was a real personal highlight. The Legends' Dinner was a great event, as was the Challenge Tour.

I really appreciated the logistical support too, the support vans always showed up when we needed a top up and every time we turned around, bikes were being looked after and day bags arrived. I appreciated the work that must go into all of these finer details. The detailed communication, excellent kit, and fun group of riders really completed a wonderful holiday.

You, Dean and Dingo provide a wonderful experience for riders, catering for a wide range of abilities and run a great tour. Thanks again and looking forward to other trips in the future.

Kind Regards

Karl and the Ride Hols team, 

A huge thanks from me for a truly wonderful trip - this is one of my best holidays ever. Ride Holidays is going to be my No 1 provider for bike holidays and you deliver the total experience with such professionalism - no detail is missed - leading to a stress free cycling holiday with added bonus of visiting some great local cafes in the Adelaide Hills. All credit to you and team and your excellent Adelaide coaches. I don't think i haven't stopped talking about my TDU trip since I got back. The riding in the Adelaide hills was awesome, some great hills to climb, and the close up encounters with the Santos tour down under was very special. Big thanks to Dingo and RH staff for getting the marquees/chairs in the right places at the race finishes not an easy feat with road closures and the volumes of people.

A huge thanks again for making this a positive first tour experience for me and for making up the riding groups with like minded people, and for selecting my great room mate Sally. I especially enjoyed riding with Jeremy, Davis and Brett who lead our groups.

I will be back for sure, Cheers Ali

Ps keep is posted about upcoming trips - just trying to decide what to do next

Hi Karl, 

I just wanted to say a belated "thank you" to you and the RH crew during our recent brief encounters in Adelaide. Wherever Lex and I saw you we were welcomed into your fold. From resting at your awning in Murray Bridge to looking after our bikes in Glenelg - nothing was too much trouble. It dawned upon me that taking a Ride Holiday is more than just a trip away - it's like joining an extended family. I guess it's these sorts of things that help set you apart from your competitors.

So, thanks again and see you in France.

PS: Last Thursday: 43 degrees. Friday: hot and humid with heaps of late rain. Today: warm, humid and drizzly. You really got the best of the weather!

Dear Karl, 

Cathy & I are now back home and we would like to thank you for another exceptional trip. Your organizational skills are second to none and ably assisted by Dean who carried on from our experience with him at Taupo. Dingo, who we meet for the first time was a terrific leader of our Blue team and a great bloke as well.

Cathy had a wonderful time with Team Mac which was made all the more enjoyable by the gorgeous Katrina. All the very best and continued success with the growth of your business, and as Strava would say, kudos to you all.

Cheers & regards,
Peter & Cathy

Hi Karl, 

Firstly thank to you and the whole team for a brilliant tour. Its not often that second time is better than the first - but it certainly was for me - just loved it.

The Ride Holidays team - just outstanding. Victor Harbour - accommodation and especially the food - wonderful. Stirling race finish and grandstand - just bloody perfect. Bike racks - nice touch. Legends night - everybody there and a bus home to boot - more than perfect. I am describing myself like a 16 year old girl at a Beatles concert in the front row - it was just better than the best. Thanks for getting all the stars to be kind to me. And leaving Mathew Hayman till the last was just unbelievable. I watched the Greenedge film on the way back and had tears and tears and tears...

Like Douglas MacArthur - "I will be back" and may even bring Holden with me...

Thanks heaps just bloody brilliant.
Mike A

Hi Karl, 

Just on the way home - at Adelaide airport - all good.

I just wanted to say a genuine thank you to you and your team who were amazing. Running these events is quite a mission in itself, then adding in the factor that a lot of the group are friends actually adds to the personal feeling of wanting everyone to have a great experience. I know even when I simply host people for work functions there is a lot of prep and arrangements - in this case it's on a much bigger scale and then throw in adjustments for the temp and conditions there's a lot going on behind the scenes. You did a great job for a very reasonable rate. Thanks.

I really appreciated Davis fixing my bike which was creaking at the bottom bracket on day 1, whatever he did to it did the trick. I saw a number of bikes go his way after some big days on the road, so he must have had done some long days. Brett was phenomenal on the front, and Todd ever patient as van sweeper and put in some strong laps into the wind, I stuck behind him on the bike track coming from Barossa! Above all nice blokes to ride with and chat too.

As the least experienced guy on tour, and still working on my riding ability I thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing. Loved the loops through Adelaide hills, the day we had around Barossa and looping back through the palms, the race circuit around Willunga (first time hitting 80ks).

Top riding.

Thanks Karl, Brett, Davis, Toddy.
Cheers Wilky

Hi Karl, 

A quick note of thanks for the outstanding experience you provided in Adelaide for the FFC cycling tour, following the 2018 TDU.

Despite all of the challenges you faced, you kept your sense of humour and showed a lot of resilience to battle through and seamlessly deliver the tour and even swap around ride days and get rolling a little earlier to make the temperatures more manageable - well done.

The guides also contributed with their "can do" attitude and thinking on their feet when required to keep the tour moving or find a watering hole.

While I was fortunate not to have any mechanical difficulties, I was surprised at the performance of some of the wheel and tyre combinations in the warmer conditions.

The legends dinner was quite a surprise at the size of the event and the accessibility of the pro cyclists to the general audience (I found my ticket by the way when unpacking - located in a very safe place). It was good to kick back over a couple of drinks and reflect on a week of great adventures.

I would be interested in seeing who is keen to repeat the event next year.

Thanks & Best Regards,
Greg (Wellington)

Hi Karl, 

I just had to drop you a quick note to say thanks to you and all your team for organising such a marvelous Tour Down Under. It was a really great trip, way up there with my previous two trips organised by you. What impressed me the most, apart from the fantastic rides was how the tour exceeded my expectations. The organisation of the trip went like clockwork, but the unexpected extras you and your team threw in ie- coffee truck, bananas, lunches ex the van, the cafe and lunch on the Wilunga Hill. Please pass on my thanks to your guides as well. A great bunch who contributed to a very memorable tour.


Hello Karl, 

On behalf of Ma and I, I would like to thank you and all your team for an absolutely brilliant week in Adelaide. I had heard good things about your tours and it did not disappoint!

With most things it is a matter of the more you put in, the more you get out, so I went out and challenged myself on the bike at times, spoke to as many of the others on the trip and the guides as possible and really benefitted from this.

The whole week seemed to work like clockwork - I do not know what might have been happening behind the scenes but did not notice anything (!) - the transfers, accommodation, unpacking the bikes, the daily rides and the options available, watching the TDU in Stirling & Wilunga, evening meals, and the list goes on, was just fantastic. For me it was quite simple…cycle when I was asked and eat when I was told!!

All the guides, including you, Dean and Kat, were all very knowledgeable, approachable and really made the holiday. In particular, I rode with Davies and Duncan a lot...great guys and great guides. I must also make a comment about Davies taking my bike away to fix it up and getting it working…amazing.

Ma really enjoyed her week and the people who were in her group as well. It cost me a new suitcase and excess baggage in Adelaide airport but there you go!!

I am not sure there is anything else I can say apart from please pass on my thanks to everyone involved last week who made it such a memorable time. I am now looking to the future and a Tour de France trip is certainly on the agenda in maybe 2019 or 2020 I would think!

Best Regards
Richard (Auckland)

Hi Karl, 

Michael and I want to say a BIG THANK YOU to you and the ALL the Ride Holidays crew for a truly marvelous holiday experience at the STDU. Words can't really express how appreciative we are to you and how very thankful we are, we chose the very best - Ride holidays, to experience the STDU 2016.

So good, So many experiences, So much fun, on SOOO many levels - I keep having flashbacks - remembering all the different parts of the trip, the rides, the hills, the meals, the wines, the people, the STDU experiences makes me smile whenever I think of the trip (smiling now).

Lyn and Michael (Queensland)

Hi Karl, 

a huge thanks for the photo - and the whole tour. Wow - I just keep thinking of all the brilliant experiences, and once again it was a once in a life time adventure. I am so lucky to have done 2 now (TDF + TDU) - and I want to do more.

Thanks so much for all your planning, calmness and the thought you put into the tour - it was just perfect. And the way you guys dealt with Lynn when she was sick, was just so typical of your commitment to a fantastic professional tour.

Thanks heaps
Mike (Wellington)

Hello Karl, 

just a quick note to thank you for a fantastic Adelaide TDU tour. The whole week exceeded my expectations. We received more than expected and from a customer service level and exceeding expectations is what it's all about. From the quality of every staff guide - to the daily rides, breakfasts, and dinner venues - all were brilliant. The entertainment such as visiting and dining at Yeelands winery and dinner at the Wine Centre were pretty special. Accommodation - especially at Hahndorf and Adelaide was brilliant. Every day was made easy for us by you and your team and you were able to adapt on the fly when needed without fuss.

I have been a keen advocate for you here in Dunedin.

Hi Karl, 

thank you very much for arranging such a fantastic holiday. Sharon and I are still buzzing. We know that an enormous amount of work from you and your team goes into making them such a success - so thank you for that. We enjoyed meeting your crew. They're all a lot of fun and very professional.

Neil (Wellington)

Hi Karl, 

thanks so much for a brilliant trip - couldn't have asked for anything more. You did an amazing job in organising a tour that allowed me to ride alongside cycling gurus and yet still feel as though we were all part of the same team. I'd found cycling to be a bit demoralising over the last couple of years but I feel like I've re-discovered the sport. The entire team were so encouraging and helpful every single day - it really made such a huge difference - and the locations you selected were just superb. I feel like it's given me a huge leap in confidence, particularly to head out on my own. The proof is in the pudding and I'm pleased to say I also took advantage of the sunshine today and rode out and around the bays - wearing my 'Ride Holidays' shirt no less! Enjoyed Brooklyn Hill for the first time in my life. You say that you're looking at improving the trip - not sure I'd change a thing. I thought it was a perfect balance between riding and relaxation, and the mixture of venues and rides was excellent. The guides are a dream team and Shaun & Sally were absolute troopers. Thanks so very much.



Hi Karl, 

I just got your phone message re the Tasmanian Trip. From my perspective it was an excellent trip. It was well organised with no glitches. There were a good bunch of participants. The route was interesting and it was very convenient to have the opportunity of putting my bike on the support trailer on the odd day when I had had enough cycling for that day but had not completed the full scheduled ride. Dean and the support staff all went very well. Accommodation and meals were excellent as was the itinerary. Freycinet and Port Arthur were the non-riding highlights. Hobart itself was an impressive city and I was pleased to have a reason to visit it and explore a little. Pam enjoyed the non-riders programme and thought that Katrina was a great tour leader. It is certainly a trip worth repeating and one I would recommend to others. It was the right time of the year to do it in terms of weather. It might not work so well in the depths of winter.  

Regards Peter

Tour de France

Hi Karl, Dean and Dingo,

I had been planning to email you as well.

I have been thinking about my TdF2 Tour and just how amazing it was! I never expected it to be so fantastic in everyway! Scenery, weather, accommodation, food and Cycling in France!!

But even more so were the people; the other clients plus the guides and yourself. For someone like me coming on my own and not really confident I should even be there I felt so welcomed and comfortable . I went thinking, if I make this it will be my last Cycling Tour because of my age and stage and its not something the rest of my family are into. I came home feeling I could keep Cycling forever I loved it so much. It was without a doubt the Best Bike Tour I have ever done! Thank you so much for such outstanding organisation . It was a huge lot of work getting us everywhere each day . I couldn't get over the number of times the guys had to take the Bikes on and off the Vans!! They were the nicest of people. Never ever once did they make you feel you were a problem! Not even poor Patrick bringing me down Galibier slowly in the freezing cold with no gloves!! That is so special. The group were a lovely bunch of people as well and fantastic company. So I think you have an excellent quality product with such a high standard of operation. Huge credit to you all and hopefully I might be back!! Remember I'm moving to Cambridge soon so might be able to join some other Cyclists!

Cheers Claire

Hey mate

Your timing is impeccable. I've been meaning to drop you a line of thanks. While it's understandable that there is an expectation that it "should" be at least a good trip, the guides & support staff make up, certainly added to the feature rich trip. Dean & Dingo are the perfect foil for each other. So on that front, well done to the Ride Holiday executive. Lua Pati!

Regardless of the training & attempted weight loss to make it as comfortable as possible, the riding was too epic for that to make any difference. It wasn't until I saw the array of fridge magnets that Ieu posted on FB, that it suddenly dawned on me what we had all achieved. Did I mention 'Epic'.

It hasn't taken much to convince Jemma that we are both returning to my new favourite destination, to take in more of the village vibe. Just not enough time in the likes of Bedoin etc etc and I really do want to look at more of France.

I will not hesitate to recommend any Ride Holiday trip and with any luck, I will join you all on one in the near future.


Thanks for a most amazing trip.

Great staff, perfect planning and logistics, amazing experiences

I cant think how it might be improved -and will keenly advise anyone to check out what you offer

The next few weeks will be looking at photos and maps and reminiscing - and catching up on house maintenance

All the best
Chris Arcus (Wellington)

Hi Karl,

Much of it has been said but I just wanted to follow up with a comment of my own with regards our most recent trip. It was a great trip obviously, as they all have been, (assisted by terrific weather) but the thing that again impressed me most was your constant monitoring of individuals and changing circumstances each day, and your subsequent actions and discussions with us all to adjust the tour day if that was what was required. I know it was noticed by everyone whom I spent time with. Thanks again.

Paul Reid

Hi Karl,

Thanks for a most wonderful experience. It was truly the best holiday we have ever had and it has given us life long memories. Absolutely loved it. You are your team are superb.

All the best
Shona and Daryll

Hi Karl and team, 

I would like to thank you all for a wonderful trip. I had looked forward to this trip for a long time and my expectations of the trip and myself were certainly exceeded. Dean, Dingo, Ryan, Jen, and Patrick, thanks for all your encouragement and Thomas thanks for the suggestion to bring a piece of Ventoux home. It brings back very good memories, whenever I look at it. Keon, the magnificent bus driver. Karl, what can I say, thank you so much for all your support when I could hardly stand up. What you did was over and above the call of duty. I will be forever grateful. I personally enjoyed the location of the hotels and Argeles Gazost was a lovely village.

I must say what wonderful people cyclists are. From all walks of life, there were no big egos on this trip and everyone was friendly and supportive.


Hi Karl, 

I just wanted to say thanks to you and the rest of the crew for your efforts with us over the last couple of weeks. I know all the organisation and logistics have been ongoing for quite some time pre tour but the two weeks we were with you guys were excellent and all of the personalities of the staff really made things that much more pleasant.

A couple of highlights from me include tearing down from the Galibier with Ryan (I can tell you about this now the tour is over and a growling is less likely) and the bonus rides / extra cols Patrick would show us around.
I didn't manage to catch up with any of the staff prior to departure but please pass on my thanks to all I really appreciate everyone's time, conversations, good humour and efforts.

Hope Paris went well.

A biento.

Hi Karl, 

Brrrrrrr. I think I prefer 30°C over this weather any time. We enjoyed four more days in Paris after the tour finished and then three days in Singapore before finally getting home on the 4th August. Now we are unpacking and emptying the bags, memories of all the weeks we were away are coming back. Gave my bike at home a hug, lol. Sitting here tired and still trying to get my mind up to speed with everything we put on hold for nine weeks. Thanks for a very memorable holiday, we had no special expectations because we had never been to France or done a cycling based tour so everything we did had a big wow factor. We loved the places we stayed at and visited, one of the factors of doing the tour was to see France while I did some cycling. To cycle the Cols and other roads was fantastic, never expected them to be so interesting, thrilling, beautiful, hard work. If I had of known how many metres of climbing I would do while riding each day I would have doubted my ability to survive, but I did. Joanne and I really appreciate the effort put in by you and your team to be flexible and work around the day to day issues of roads and our different requests, being so flexible certainly creates a lot of work for yourselves. Joanne is especially praising of Morgan's efforts in chaperoning her little group to all the best places and she is still having me on that she got to see better views of the Tour de France than I did. As I catch up with my cycling mates I will be singing your praises. Thanks again Karl for a wonderful holiday.

Lex and Joanne

Hi Karl, 

You organised a fantastic trip! Even the reluctant riders, like me, enjoyed it. Prior to leaving I was strictly focused on riding through the sunflowers but getting to the top of those mountains was an amazing feeling. Will defiantly pass your contact details and recommend your company to any other cyclists who are even remotely thinking of a biking holiday. Thanks again to you and you team for a great trip.

Helena & Gavin

Hi Karl, 

I got asked in the weekend by a couple of buddies what the highlight of the trip was and I told them that each day had at least one highlight. I think the balance of riding and taking in the various sights was absolutely superb. Going through my photos I can't believe how much we saw and took in. This could never have been achieved without the upfront organisation of Ride Holidays. Thanks again for the experience.


Good afternoon team, 

What a trip and now back to work. I was very impressed with the organisation and the professional way the trip was conducted. From my point of view it ticked all my boxes and I achieved the Cols that I most wanted to do. I now have 15 little key rings for the Cols I have climbed over there. The group of people were excellent and some of us have made some lifetime friends. I am seriously contemplating the Canadian Rockies trip next year and the Adelaide trip so Karl keep me in the loop there please. To Karl thanks for organising it, Mr Smooth organiser. To Dean, you have made me a far better Garmin user even though we got lost in one of the easy days (I fancied a bit of roughly riding). To Silas, Mr Joker saying the Annecy ride had a False flat in the last 3kms and chatting up the Tourmalet while I was gasping for breath. To Dean, Mr Knowledge of the area and good at commenting on everything. He might not be so happy now his cricket team got rolled early this week. Once again thanks guys, well done.


Dear Karl, 

How are you? We are all good in Scotland, life has returned to its normal frantic self! I miss France. I really loved the fact that I was told where to go, what to have for dinner and when I had to get up, etc. No responsibilities, those were the days! The only thing I had to do to earn this carefree lifestyle was cycle up a freaking mountain! Everyday! In 30+ degree heat! Ah well my average speed on the bike has improved massively, 2mph faster than before France. I am very chuffed indeed! Thank you so much for the most amazing holiday, I had a ball! You and your team were faultless and so much fun to be with. Let's do it again sometime! Best wishes.


Hi Karl, 

Thanks for organising a wonderful Tour de France trip, seeing the tour was probably one of the more memorable moments of my life, and I still get very excited talking about it.

We really appreciated being able to do our own thing at times, we have both done a lot of travelling, Paul to some more risky places the last few years. So thanks for not babysitting us, always a worry before a trip.

I did enjoy the cycling , have done a very cruise ride since getting home, will do more when the weather improves.

Once again a big thank you.
Dj and Paul (Tauranga)

Hi Karl

I too, certainly had a great time. Hard not to with a room mate like Anthony and the exquisite riding in France. The highlights for me were the two long days in the saddle - Ventoux (plus the ride there and back) the Tourmalet Loop (with the Hautacam tacked on by Anthony, Lea and I) and Champs Élysées. If you want to see the Pros in action, the frequent passing and build up to the sprint was much more enjoyable to me than the four hours on the side of Alp Duez for a 30 second glimpse. I thoroughly enjoyed the small village/small hotel atmosphere. They provided a much more interesting appreciation of the French culture and it felt like we had the places to ourselves. The big hotels are nice/comfortable but impersonal and the same all over the world.

The transfer days were obviously unavoidable. The effort to break them up with a ride part way was appreciated but I found getting into and out of cycling kit on the bus on the side of the road was a little unappealing. My preference would be to do the travel and ride either before departure or on arrival or include the cultural/tourist attraction activities as part of these days and not ride at all. I enjoyed the numerous nights in one location minimising the travel on tour.

Your staff on this tour were fabulous. Dean and Dingo are always great fun to be with but also very professional. Thomas, Ryan and Jen were very pleasant and made a big effort to ensure we were well looked after on the road. Patrick, well once again, a bundle of energy, calm and accommodating - even under patience testing conditions. Zachary, a nice young lad.

Yes, the weather was perfect, as it was in Italy 2016. Anthony and I believe we are the common factor here. So happy to help out with weather in the future.

I, and hopefully Elvie, will join you again for another trip. Not sure which one yet. I think I'd pick one with multiple nights in one location and one with a Fondo event included to allow for one of those days just to go out and 'smash it' as an individual ?? Also maybe The Classics, for that unique challenge you don't get down under.

Looking forward to Dean's fancy pancy montage. Sadly my photography skills on the road are a little lacking. Thanks again. Appreciated your company. Hopefully see you on the roads around Auckland sometime.

Cheers, Al.

Hi Karl

Like Allan, you and others have beat me to emailing my thanks to you and the team.

I appreciated your care and professionalism and priority to keep everyone safe and happy, which can be challenging with such a diverse group of people with different riding abilities. My feeling is you and your team succeeded in helping everyone achieve their goals while having a great time.

I had a wonderful time, and have collected memories that will last a lifetime (with the intention of adding more from future cycling holidays). So many highlights - Galiber, Tourmalet (the Pyronnes in general), Ventoux - ticking off the big names; nice meals; good company. The opportunity to finish up in Paris was the icing on the cake - could only have been better if Sagan won the final stage; Dingo's humor; Patrick's ride routes from A to B; the list goes on.

I would like to reinforce everything Allan has said. I was extremely satisfied with the accommodation - I expected small in France, and was pleasantly surprised with the size of some of our stops. Hand holding opportunities with Allan at night was an added bonus. I was not fussed that one of our accommodations did not have air-con and agree that the intimacy of the location outweigh air-con in Lourdes.

The bus travel between locations is unavoidable, and I appreciated your efforts to keep us housed in accommodation for 3 or 4 nights at a time between locations. The promise of a bike ride before or after the road journey is always something to look forward to. The efforts to provide entertainment on the bus was appreciated - videos and bar. I watched Tour D'Pharmacy with my wife last night - could be added to your list once the bar has been opened...

Thank you once again and please share my thanks with your whole team. I have no doubt that our paths will cross on many occasions in future on the road, and hopefully on future Ride Holidays.

I agree with Allan's suggestion that perhaps our combination is possibly a factor in the perfect weather as experienced in Italy and France - happy to obligue on future trips.

Stay safe,


Just a brief email to say thank you for a wonderful cycling holiday at this years Tour de France. Ride Holidays and your staff provide a service that far exceeds other companies whom I have travelled with in the past. Just a few areas in which RH excel -

  • The attention to detail for clients is second to none.
  • The almost military effort in planning the day to day running is superb.
  • Local guides with local knowledge...Brilliant.
  • A realistic daily cycling pace for everyone made the trip a joy to be part off.
  • Kiwl & Aussie humour along the way...Priceless.
  • The information flow from initial booking, pre departure, and during the trip made life easy and took away any added stress that may have arisen during our trip.
  • Outstanding hotels and the most wonderful French food and wine.
  • Value for money in a competitive market...But you rise above the competition.

Viva La Tour - Viva Ride Holidays

Thank you again Karl and Ride Holidays for a very memorable holiday. I still can not believe I climbed all those Cols in the French Alps! And on back-to-back days too!

Prior to starting the Tour de France trip, I admit, I was nervous about my level of fitness and my ability to cope with the vertical. I suppose I had been focusing more on the wonderful Chateau accommodation, delicious French food and alpine scenery that was on offer .

I knew that the tour offered a great deal of flexibility and I could choose to opt out and be a 'Fluffy' some days. But, I wanted to ride, there was so much to see and so many iconic rides to conquer I wanted to do as much as I could. I really appreciate your encouragement and your faith in my ability to tackle all these amazing climbs. My bike and I certainly finished the trip with a lot more confidence in each other.

Chris and I both enjoyed the company of all the Ride Holiday guides. What a great bunch of guys. Their commitment and joy of cycling is infectious. Patrick and Morgan added that fabulous French flair and Koen is certainly coach driver numero un.
Our group was a large one but you seemed to manage to balance the needs of everyone from the most experienced riders through to the non-riders. I feel this is largely down to your presence Karl. You obviously have a wealth of experience hosting and organizing these cycle tours and it showed through with the smooth operation of each day, the relaxed atmosphere and genuine feeling of friendship and support within the group.

Ride Holidays took care of all the arrangements so we could focus on the biking, wine and great conversation!!

It was a real treat to travel with this fun group of like minded cyclists in a country that embraces and revers the sport. France is truly a cyclist's paradise and anyone who enjoys cycling must add the Tour de France experience to their bucket list.

We look forward to seeing the photos from your Canada tour next month - another beautiful part of the world to travel by bike.

Estelle and Chris (Auckland)

Bonjour Chris

I’m sorry it has taken us a while to reply to your email. Steve and I have been home now for 9 days and we’re still living on the high from our holiday. It feels like the other day that we touched down in Toulouse.

This trip was a big one for us. Not just the RH tour but also the extended holiday. As you know, we were supposed to have done the TDF trip in 2020 so it was certainly worth the wait.

For me, it was a thrill to see Steve conquer the French mountains for the first time. I’ve been telling him how wonderful the roads are in France, how majestic the mountains are, and now he has this personal experience for himself. 

TDF1 was incredible. The places we stayed were amazing, particularly the little towns which you wouldn’t otherwise travel to. Experiencing rural France was special. Our accommodation along the way was faultless. The food was delicious. The TDF team were fabulous, helpful and just great guys all round. The daily organisation was efficient and professional with still having that holiday feel for the group, even though the staff were working. The hire bikes were great, the riding was superb and the itinerary was also one that wasn’t too overwhelming. We were busy but it didn’t feel onerous. Being able to cross with the Tour de France was a fabulous experience, being up close and personal with the riders is not something we get to do every day.

Thank you Dingo for all you did on this tour. Thank you to your team as well. You all made our trip memorable.

We’ve being enjoying seeing the photos from Dean in Norway. Norway is still on our bucket list.

Steve and Debbs 😊

Queenstown, New Zealand

Hi Karl,

We had a great time during the Best of the Best Tour. The scenery was great, but we also appreciated how well the tour was organized and how much support we received from you and your team during the rides.

We also spoke with others on the trip and they highly recommended the TDF tours that RH is organizing, so we are looking forward to doing one of them.

Thank you for organizing a great holiday for us,
Alex and Andreea.

Hello Mr Woolcott

Congratulations on a great tour. The weather, scenery, food, accommodation were amazing. I have cycled in France, Italy and Canada and the scenery in this part of NZ is right up there. 

This was my 5th Tour with Ride Holidays and three factors stand out:

  1. The seamless transition from Plan A to Plan B and even to Plan C. After working in Local Government Engineering for over 40 years, I know plans need to be changed. Full credit to you Mr Woolcott, great job.
  2. Your support staff are always amazing. The guys on this trip did RH proud.
  3. Being one of the more mature riders, there is no pressure to race, just ride at my own pace. I enjoyed my 1st tour on an ebike. 

Phillip (Legend) Rudder

Dear Karl

I’m really struggling to find the right words to truly thank you for all your support snd assistance not only on the trip itself but also getting me there. I really enjoyed myself to a level I had not believed possible and felt remarkably at home which I had not anticipated to that extent.

Malcolm said it beautifully about the people you employ and surround yourself with and your attention to detail. It’s very impressive. I was always taught that the best managers have great people with them and under them with no ego about letting them also shine.

Also, thanks for ALL your efforts with my food, which I do appreciate is a complete pain in the proverbial. I appreciate you not batting an eye when I (thankfully and correctly) queried some food despite all the best efforts and information given to them before.

Once again my very grateful thanks

Best wishes, Sue

Hi Karl

I wanted to say thank you for yet another incredibly well organised trip. Last year’s Mildford trip was special; this year’s trip surpassed all expectations!

The scenery en route was incredible, but I also really enjoyed the off bike activities as well especially the boat trip in Wanaka and also the jet boat in Haast.

Please pass my thanks onto your team too. They must’ve had some very long days but were always helpful and cheerful. A special thank you to Abram who put my bike together perfectly on day 1 (I can be a bit Princess and the Pea-like with my bike) with no adjustments needed.

You are a special team!

Enjoy the rest, Lillian

Dear Karl

Thank you so much for an amazing trip. Full of variety, new experiences and challenges and great support. 

The logistics in pulling it all together were astounding and I’ll have the wonderful memories of Milford, my first real gravel ride on my gravel bike and the swim at Wakatipu making me smile for a long time. 

Many thanks. 

Please take care of yourself so we can enjoy more of your trips. 

Hi Karl

You did an amazing job! No idea how you do it. The precise organisation was perfect.

I feel so lucky to have been part of the Ride Holidays group. Thoroughly enjoyed every moment. Thank you so much.  So many unforgettable memories.

Best wishes, Dianne

Thanks Karl for sharing comms as it was great to ride with such wonderful people and RH staff.

I really enjoyed the trip and the physical challenges that the southern tour gave. I was super impressed with how everyone did practically all the rides (even the longer ones) which is credit to them for doing the training, and following Silas programme, and the leadership of the RH staff. Highlights for me were the Milford mountain classic, Lindis Pass, Haast Pass and the Crown range rides. Best overnight stays were Milford and Danseys if I had to pick two. But I enjoyed all locations and the lunch stops. Thanks also for really accommodating the special needs diets (it makes a huge difference).

Cheers, Ali

Hi Karl,

Hey, just wanted to offer a personal thanks for this trip. It was said a lot over the last few days, but the efforts of you and the team were outstanding and you really made the whole trip so easy for us all. I'm sure it was not at all easy - the analogy of the Duck is well applied - calm on top, while furiously paddling beneath. Rich, Ab's, Frank, Aaron and Nate were truly outstanding and nothing was a problem. Thank you for the flexibility you afforded, support on rides, and constant checking in on us all. I'm sure various planning changes that occurred on some days significantly added to your stress.

Both Sorrel and I thoroughly enjoyed the entire trip, seeing sights we'd never seen and places we'd never visited. I've been asked what my highlights were, but there were so many I seriously cannot narrow them down. Each day seemed to get better than the last.

We are completed sold now, and will definitely continue with the RH Family on more trips. Hopefully we can get offshore soon, I can feel France/Italy calling out my riding legs…

See you soon, all the best for the March trip

Cheers, Scott

HI Karl,

I just wanted to say thank you as well. It was such a privilege to be able to join the ride holiday's family. The memories we will have from this trip will last a lifetime. Just such an amazing experience. Riding with you up Dansey's Pass was a highlight for sure.

Thank you for all of the hard work that went into this, you could tell so much went on behind the scenes to ensure such an easy holiday for us. I also wanted to say thank you for the drink bottle, I feel very chuffed about that.

Thanks again so much, this wont be our only trip, we are excited for more in the future ??

Thanks, Sorrel

Hey Karl

I just wanted to drop a quick note to say thank you so much to you and the team!! I had an amazing time away and just loved the Homer Hundred. It was a truly spectacular course (of course, the weather made it a fab day) - I think it's the most scenic ride I've ever done! Such a beautiful part of the country.

What's more, the Ride Holidays crew made everything so easy, were always so willing to lend a hand and took out all of the stress.

Can't wait until my next tour!


Hi Karl

Hope you’re now enjoying a very well deserved rest!

The Milford trip was one of the very first things we booked when we decided that we were moving to NZ…well before we had booked plane tickets, MIQ or even had a job to go to!

The trip was just incredible - particular highlights were the overnight stay on the boat, the solid climb up to the Homer tunnel and the ride to Glenorchy. 

A massive thank you from me and Mark to you and all your team for organising this particularly during these challenging times. I don’t know what it was like behind the scenes, but it all went smoothly and seamlessly from our point of view.  A special thank you to whoever it was who put our bikes back together in Te Anau - that was a lovely surprise after a long day travelling!

Hope you see you all on another trip sometime soon.

Kind regards, Lillian and Mark

Thank you for the opportunity to cycle with Ride Holidays again.

David and I had a wonderful time even though we were only a couple of hours drive from Invercargill it felt we were further away.

We had a great time climbing out of Milford Sound together (the Ebike helps there) and then trying to out speed each other going down hills.

We achieved everything that we wanted to do on the very short tour clocking up approx 269km for David and 190km for me.

We appreciate the ever changing logistics you had to deal with in order to put the tours together, you do a fantastic job every time.

Thanks again, Kathleen and David

Hi Karl

I don't know where to start in praising you and your brilliant team at Ride for such a fun, challenging and extraordinarily organised journey. Another ride of my life which went well beyond my expectations and you and your team who go above and beyond the call of duty. Nothing is too much trouble.

You really do have a gift for what you do Karl and I hope your passion keeps on going on.

I love the way you write the itinerary which is so comprehensive. Nothing is left to chance.

The variety of activities is something special and those amazing and unexpected coffee carts you provide.

Well I could go on and on but I will leave it there and sincerely thank you for everything you do to make us all so happy.

With Kind regards, Helen

Hi Karl

Apologies for slow feedback. I guess my tardiness reflects the fact that I've been in denial that the tour I had been looking forward to so much, has now come to a close.

Southern Lakes is my fifth event with Ride Holidays and despite the fact that we were not touring through Europe riding the iconic climbs, the tour was outstanding, surpassing all expectations. Accommodation was 5 star, or if not, certainly worthy of the character experience such as Danseys Pass Hotel. What a wonderful character hotel, and a great night. You will be hard pushed to improve on this one.

As articulated through the trip, the RH Team were brilliant. Nothing was a problem, everybody's needs and desires were professionally and seamlessly provided for, making it seem to everyone that the tour was designed to cater for their individual requirements. Elvie, as the only non-rider felt completely welcome and fully immersed in the tour, just like the rest of us in Pink and Blue.

We had a wonderful time in our own back yard. Something that we should have done years ago. However, I am quite sure through your meticulous foresight and planning, we saw the best of our own country.

Thanks very much. What's next ??

Cheers, Allan & Elvie

UCI Road World Championships

Hi Karl, We would just like to thank you and the RH team for another awesome holiday. 

As always you managed to deliver more than was in the brochure. Not only did you arrange for us to stay in the same hotel as both the Dutch & Colombian teams and Kathleen managed to ride the lift with MVP, twice and if that was not enough you ensured we were there when a Niamh won the women's U23 rainbow jersey.

This tour threw up a few challenges for you and the RH team, with bad weather, Covid positive test and David's dismount in a uncontrolled manner (I have never crashed), but throughout it all the RH team still managed to deliver a great tour. 

Despite everything I put the bike through on the ride through the National Park, Air NZ managed to do more damage on the trip home. Brake lever turned 90 degrees and the handlebars also off line but nothing that could be fixed with the help of a set of Allen Keys.

Thanks, David & Kathleen

Hi Karl, We have just arrived back in NZ. Thanks for another epic Ride Holidays trip and congratulations on keeping everything going over a crazy three years. It was great to be back in the RH fold, catching up with friends old and new.

As soon as I saw the Worlds were coming to the neighbourhood, we were in! So good to see so many of the big names of cycling so close to home,

Heaps of highlights .... here are some 

  1. The RH team. You guys are awesome. Always checking in, you okay? What do you want to ride today? etc.... The logistics behind the scenes must have been off the scale but weren’t apparent. Dean and Dingo were on fire and we enjoyed getting to know the other guides (and clients) too.
  2. E-bikes. I know that these must be a pain for you but they are the reason Cathy came. She loved riding with us and getting up close and personal with a deadly snake on Berry Mountain was her highlight (go figure!!) Thanks for making the ebikes possible. The latte rides had a really fun and relaxed vibe with excellent guide and van support - thanks! 
  3. The set ups in Woollongong abd Kiama were great – cool to be so close to the action in Woollongong. Loved having a chat to Niahm Fisher-Black straight after the race. Unsure who was more excited at the time TBF!! Also appreciate the RH extras - Phil Ligget's video chat, the great kit (best yet we reckon!) The booklet, the app (although the alerts sounded a bit like the NZ Covid update chime - which ironically it sort of became!).
  4. Riding to and from Kiama – always great to transfer on a bike. Even other David’s crash was really well handled. Cathy and I had just updated our first aid quals for school – didn't know they’d be needed so soon. Dean and Shazza were great. Nice of Dean to switch it up so we could still ride as far as Wooloongong – even after the delay.
  5. The Food. Amazing restaurants and great company. Cathy loved every place. The pie shop was inspired!

Can't think of anything to change really. As always great comms, great guides and great trip. Hope that everything was okay from your end. Thanks again for another wonderful RH trip and looking forward to meeting up again.

Kind Regards, David and Cathy

Vietnam & Cambodia

Thanks Karl, now that our wonderful trip is over and we have settled back into "normal" life, Ariu and I talked over the weekend about our personal feedback and thought we would share that with you.

  • This trip was a fabulous experience - it was very well organised at your end and equally well organised at the Cambodian/Vietnam end. Everything ran to time perfectly which is a huge achievement, considering the size of our group and we had good leadership inside the group from Waz and JC. The group dinners and the food we ate at them, were well planned and of a high quality.
  • The Cambodian section was a real highlight for us and if possible it would have been great to spend a little longer there.
  • Ha Long Bay was our only disappointment - there were too many junks in one place, too many people climbing up in the caves at one time and the Bay is very polluted with rubbish. As a group we loving swimming, but I was circumspect about going into the water there at all, and when I did, I did not put my head under water, such was the amount of floating rubbish.
  • Hoi An was amazing and the place we stayed at while there, was in our opinion, the pick of the accommodation (actually the Cambodian Hotel was also great). All the Hotels were clean, some a bit older than others, and the service at them was of a very high standard. Most had swimming pools, which became a very important part of our daily late afternoon socialisation, so we would recommend always looking for accommodation with either a pool or access to the sea.
  • The biking was harder than I expected - and that came about from the combination of heat, traffic and riding what is essentially a mountain bike, when I am only a road biker. I think the amount of biking for the length of the trip was about right, and I accept it was my responsibility to be fit enough, but a bit more warning about the likely biking conditions, especially the heat factor, would have been good and essentially I should have trained on a mountain bike from about two months out. Having said that, several riders in the group excelled and biked better than they usually do back here, so maybe this was just my problem! We do recommend squeezing the biking part of the bike days into the morning only, so instead of stopping for lunch and then biking again the in the heat of the afternoon, everyone gets the afternoon for free time., to swim and chill out.

I think the main thing to ask yourself after a holiday like this, which is different in format from any other holiday we have been on, is would you do it again? The answer is most definitely yes, so well done to you and your business for the organisation of our trip.

Kind regards

Jane (Kapiti Coast)
PS The gear is great - love the colours and so easy for us to find each other

Hi Karl, 

As you know I had some reservations about our trip to Cambodia and Vietnam - wasn't sure if I'd cope with the food and the itinerary given my fatigue issues. Well I'd have to say this has been the best holiday of my entire life - and I'm not exaggerating. And I suspect I'm not alone. Everything went like clockwork for the entire trip - the preparation and information that you provided for us, the flights, the transfers and all the internal travel, the accommodation, food, guides, Wide Eyed Tours and their operators, support provided at every level, itinerary, sight seeing, shopping, fellow travellers, lovely Cambodian and Vietnamese people, magic Halong Bay experience. Everything.

I've never enjoyed myself so much, nor laughed as much. It's the only holiday I haven't wanted to come to an end. And it's the first time I've returned home from a holiday feeling relaxed and refreshed, as I did throughout the entire holiday. It was also incredibly good value for money - I wonder how so much could be provided for such a small cost. The food was amazing - no dog on the menu and no fish dishes forced on me or fish sauce in anything. In fact I plan to eat as much genuine Vietnamese food as I can find here and have started cooking it myself. I even planted Vietnamese herbs in the garden on the weekend to replicate the amazing flavours.

You and Mike from Wide Eyed Tours have plenty to be proud of and if I can help you to promote the tour to others in the future I'd be more than happy to do so. The only negative thing I can say is that instead of losing weight as I thought I would, I gained 500gms. Probably had something to do with all the cheap beers and very cheap cocktails that I drank. We 'non-riders' were really well catered for at all times and we were never treated as the 'poor relations' to the riders, which we'd half expected to happen. Don't change a thing - perfection doesn't come that easily or often! Thanks for absolutely everything. It was the best.

Bev (Wellington)

Wellington, Wairarapa & Kapiti


Mum and I had an absolute fabulous time, I told you in person but it is worth repeating here, Wellington is stunning.

I personally believe there is no better way to see and experience a country and its culture than on a bike, especially when you and the other guides ride the roads daily.

I am still torn between Kapiti Island and the Bush Cycle tour. I loved the island and having a day off the bike to walk and explore was fabulous, but the Bush Cycle tour took me around parts of country I doubt I would have seen otherwise.

An extra bonus for me was the Bush challenge was "rolling" nothing to lumpy or hilly. :-)

Just when I think things cannot possible get better, you figure out a way.

I loved the combination of riding and site seeing, mum could have stayed in the parliament building an entire day.

I hope you keep your lovely city on your tours because mum and I definitely will be back.

Warm regards

Sharon (United States)


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