Peaks Challenge - Falls Creek

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Victoria's Highlands

08-11 March 2024 (4 days / 3 nights)

Its back, one of the best Gran Fondo’s in the world and that’s a fact!!

We haven’t taken a team to Peaks since 2020, due to a pesky pandemic and then a landslide!

Ride Holidays invite you to join – Team Peaks Challenge 2024.

Join us for an unforgettable riding adventure. Challenging in that you’ll need to ride your bike 240km. Not challenging – because we’ll take care of everything else. Your transport, accommodation, mechanics and meals. You just need to get fit, turn up and ride!

You’ll then join the exclusive Ride Holidays Peaks Challenge finisher board!

''Peaks Challenge Falls Creek is one of the greatest riding experiences of your life. You'll tackle the ascents of Tawonga Gap, Mount Hotham and finally, the beast that is the back of Falls Creek. It will hit you like a tonne of bricks. More than 2,000 riders face the Peaks but only those who cross the finish line within the 13-hour deadline earn the right to proudly call themselves Peaks Challenge finishers. One of the greatest riding experiences of your life is within reach - you ride, we'll do the rest.''

Tawonga Gap

"Tawonga is just a speed hump compared to a Grand Tour climb. That said, I managed to use every single cog in my 26T cassette to get over Tawonga Gap comfortably." - Cycling Tips

7.5km | 476m elevation | 6% average gradient

Mount Hotham

"You will feel every one of the 30km from Harrietville to Hotham village." - Simon Gerrans

29.9km | 1,303m elevation | 4% average gradient

Back Of Falls (WTF)

"It hits you like a sucker punch in the face. The first 10km has nearly a 10% gradient and I swear people were walking past me quicker than I was riding." - Cycling Tips

22.6km | 980m elevation | 4% average gradient

Peaks Challenge Tour Details

Tour Inclusions


  • 3 nights' accommodation (4 star)

Our Falls Creek Accommodation

Alpine Woodsmoke Luxury Apartments

We've booked luxury apartments; these each accommodate up 6 people in private twin share rooms. Their location couldn't be better as they're only 500 metres from the start / finish. Cafes, retail outlets and a supermarket are all located close by. The contemporary apartments feature a fully equipped open plan lounge, kitchen, two bathrooms, three bedrooms and offers amazing views over the Victorian High country.

General Cycling Tour Details

  • Local guides Chris Wood (Dingo) and Dean Mills, plus an entourage of RH family, all Peaks finishers.
  • Mechanical assistance and support vehicles
  • All transport ex Melbourne Airport.
  • Meals – 3 breakfasts, 3 dinners
  • Ride Holidays custom Peaks Challenge jersey. ** As you are part of Team RH, we need you to wear this jersey in the event.
  • GPS route map and booklet
  • Entry into the Peaks Challenge - valued at $350.00 (AUD)
  • Peaks Challenge FINISHER jersey - (option is the limited edition sub10hour version, if you can go that quick)

The Tour Price Excludes

  • Accommodation in Melbourne – although Karl will advise on that
  • Travel Insurance – Please note that it’s suggested you have an insurance that includes bike events. Which are deemed as races 
  • Cycling drinks & bars, meals, alcohol

The Tour Cost (per person twin share)

$NZD 2800.00 per person. Based on a team of 8 riders.

Single Supplement – $500.00. Limited availability.

Please note – this trip is run at zero profit. The costs are purely what you pay. Transport, Accommodation, Food, Entry & Kit. We love having a Ride Holidays Team at Peaks every year.

T&C – Deposit required of $750.00 at time of booking. Balance due 90 days prior to departure.

** Important – Travel Insurance will need to be with Kristen Kerry from Ride Holidays. As you are entering an event (deemed as a race) the majority of travel insurance policies won’t cover you. Kristen Kerry has a special cover via CoverMore

Tour Itinerary

Day 1, Friday 08 March

Welcome to Melbourne

Please arrive as early as you possibly can. Ideally either the 7am departure from Auckland or Wellington. We aim to leave the airport at around 10.30am.

 It's just over a 5-hour drive in total. We'll of course stop for athlete refreshments along the way - that being coffee and pies. For some reason Dingo is an expert on where the best pies are.

(** If you want to have the night prior in Melbourne then please let me know. The Park Royal Melbourne is directly across from Terminal 2)

Today we introduce everyone and run through the plan for the next few days. All your guides are experienced Peakers and will answer any questions you have. Yes, it's a challenge however we want to make it as much fun as possible for you. We're also determined that you have a great riding holiday… Logistically, events like this can be a nightmare. However, you can simply relax from day one. We've got this covered.

We arrive early afternoon at Falls Ck, a quick bike build and then we can head out for a spin. Just to check the bikes and bodies after a full day of travelling. Do we go up then down? or down then up? We are at the summit of Falls Ck, either way has hills...

Chef’s Dingo and Dean will slap up a nutritious fine dining experience. We'll also have the odd bottle of wine to polish off. Cheers to you. Welcome to the Victorian Highlands.

/ Meals included - Dinner

Day 2, Saturday 09 March

Easy does it… registration and easy ride.

Registration day, we wander to the village for a morning coffee and grab your rider pack.

Let's ride the easy back side of Falls this morning, across the Rocky Valley Dam and down to Trapyard Gap. We will stop and admire the views along the way. Wallace Hutt and Bogong chalet car parks have some spectacular views of this historic Alpine region.

Later this afternoon, we will take our bikes to the village to have them officially checked and attend the riders briefing. The atmosphere is electric. 2000 slightly crazy, nervous, excited, fit cyclists and many normal, sane, smart supporters.

What's for dinner chef? EPO induced Pasta, Chicken and red red wine. That's a winning formula.

/ Meals included - Breakfast & Dinner
/ Route 47km, 500vm

Day 3, Sunday 10 March

Game day, it's an early start…

The Mountains of Victoria's Alpine region are beckoning.

A 5am wake up call, today you'll tackle the ascents of Tawonga Gap, Mount Hotham and finally, the beast that is the Back of Falls. The Back of Falls, with 200km in your legs, you'll quickly learn why the first pinch is called WTF corner. It's a steep and relentless climb with little reprieve.

This ride is fully supported, you will join 2000 others starting in waves, and ride one of the greatest (hardest) fondo's in the world!

Ride Holidays will be there; at the start and finishing lines, and maybe a few of us even on the race route.

When you finish, join the rest of the finishers on the lawns of the village square! Drink up - you're worth it!

/ Meals included - Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
/ Route 235km / 4500vm (if you close your eyes and say this really quickly then it doesn't sound so bad)

Day 4, Monday 11 March - Peaks Challenge Falls Ck.

Home James

There will be a few sore bodies today. Our team will help you pack up the bikes this morning. You may not want to see them again for a few weeks. We'll grab a coffee or three as we leave town.

It's a 5-hour drive back to Melbourne airport and we plan to have you there around 3pm after a quick stop in Glenrowan for an early lunch. We suggest you book a late afternoon flight home. If you don’t have a connecting flight until tomorrow, we suggest staying at the Park Royal across from the airport for easy access.

/ Meals included - Breakfast


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